Saturday, November 10, 2018

2018's Happiness Commandments

Inspired by Gretchen Rubin of "The Happiness Project," I wrote my own Happiness Commandments last year.

In 2019, I plan on writing a new set of Happiness Commandments. I still believe in these, but my new ones have a small twist. It will be specific answers to this phase, "I'm happier when I . . ."

Who will join me in writing 2019's Happiness Commandments?

Friday, November 2, 2018

One Bite At A Time


I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month!

The last time I managed to write 50,000 words in a month was when I was working part-time from home and had very little else going on to keep me busy.

But I'm So Busy

Right now (WRITE NOW) I have plenty to keep me busy. One is that I'm in an opera for the next nine days. Incidentally, happy OperaWeek!

Me as a Spirit and Kelly as a Priestess in OperaSLO's Magic Flute

My goal is to write 1000 words on days I have rehearsal, and 2000 words on days I don't. Once the opera ends, I'll adjust.

I'm two days and 2400 words in, and here's what I have learned so far:

Timer Method
Every time I sit down to write, it's hard to start. But, I set my timer, and when it goes off, I don't want to stop! Last January, I wrote out my personal Happiness Commandments, and Number 7 is about this phenomenon:

On set for "Circles" an industry film I was in last year.

Take-a-Break Technique
Even though it's hard to tear myself away, I force myself to take the break. Thirty days is a long time, and 50,000 words is a lot of words. I want to make it to the finish line! So, one bite at a time.

In fact, my voice teacher says, if your voice is feeling and sounding especially good one day, end your practice before you wear out. You want to save some for tomorrow.

My goal this morning was to write for an hour to get to 1000 words. I took a break every twenty minutes. After only forty minutes, I had written 1200 words. And I will still motivated and not burnt out for my evening session.

Anyone else doing NaNoWriMo? What's your method to get your 1667 words a day?

2018's Happiness Commandments

Inspired by Gretchen Rubin of "The Happiness Project," I wrote my own Happiness Commandments last year. In 2019, I plan on wr...